

Improve efficiency in LDES applications with...

330 views 2022.09.26.

Heat exchangers are key components in some of the most promising technologies currently being...


Improve efficiency in LDES applications with...

1,491 views 2022.09.26.

Heat exchangers are key components in some of the most promising technologies currently being...


Improving performance with Packinox+ Webinar

495 views 2022.09.23.

Welcome to the world of Packinox+, featuring our new FlexFlow technology, which makes it possible...


Increased reliability and reduced pressure drop...

684 views 2022.04.26.

This animation demonstrates the working principle of the HyperCut feature in Alfa Laval Packinox...


Alfa Laval Packinox Explosion forming

797 views 2022.04.26.

This animation shows explosion forming of high-strength plates with long, reliable lifetime for...


Invitation to the Packinox+ launch webinar

2,077 views 2022.08.29.

Join our free webinar to learn about the launch of our new Packinox heat exchanger. September 22...


Alfa Laval Packinox+ webinar invitation

14,971 views 2022.08.29.

Don't miss our free webinar where you'll hear about the launch of our new Packinox heat...


Optimize liquid-gas mixing with Spray Bar

415 views 2022.08.22.

With a Packinox heat exchanger you mix liquid and gas inside the heat exchanger by spraying the...


Optimize liquid-gas mixing with Spray Bar

14,319 views 2022.08.22.

With a Packinox heat exchanger you mix liquid and gas inside the heat exchanger by spraying the...