Tagged with Alfa Laval


Cut costs with Alfa Laval DuroShell...

49,174 views 2019.05.22.

The Alfa Laval DuroShell plate-and-shell heat exchanger provides very reliable performance...


Plate-and-shell made tougher – Alfa Laval...

42,687 views 2019.05.22.

Whatever the application, tougher duties demand rougher technology, and that’s what Alfa Laval...


Increase capacity with Alfa Laval DuroShell...

1,745 views 2019.05.22.

AlfaLaval DuroShell is a plate-and-shell heat exchanger made tougher and more reliable, and it’s...


Maximize uptime with Alfa Laval DuroShell...

1,919 views 2019.05.22.

In demanding applications with high fluctuations in pressure and temperature, equipment risk to...


Alfa Laval DuroShell with PowerPack for...

2,537 views 2019.05.22.

PowerPack - Optimized flow distribution and fatigue resistance. Patented design enables improved...


Alfa Laval Compabloc with SmartClean for fast...

1,900 views 2019.05.22.

SmartClean - Fast and efficient flushing of fouling material. Free-flow channel at plate...


Alfa Laval Compabloc with C-weld enables...

2,589 views 2019.05.22.

C-Weld- Superior cleaning and extended performance. End-to-end laser weld of the plates...


Alfa Laval Houston service center virtual tour

2,896 views 2019.05.22.

Take a virtual tour of Alfa Laval’s service center and production facility in Houston, Texas. The...


Alfa Laval IDTC 2016 presentation

719 views 2019.05.22.

Antonio de Francisco, Alfa Laval Iberica Sales Engineer Refinery Petrochemicals and Eva...


Maximizing profit from heavy oil processes

1,306 views 2019.05.22.

To watch the full presentation, visit http://www.alfalaval.com/refinerypresentations Eva...


How two refineries maximized uptime and...

922 views 2019.05.22.

Eva Andersson, market manager for Refinery at Alfa Laval, presents How two Iberian refineries...

Gasketed plate heat exchangers

Alfa Laval WideGap gasketed plate heat...

5,687 views 2019.05.22.

Alfa Laval WideGap gasketed plate-and-frame heat exchangers are suitable for fibrous fluids and...