Tagged with heat exchanger


Compabloc Tip 4 - Use the right valves

160 views 2023.04.12.

Check that the control system complies with the Compabloc manual to ensure stable operation and...


Compabloc Tip 5 - Monitor performance

188 views 2023.04.12.

Monitor the heat exchanger's performance and pressure drop proactively in order to better plan...


Compabloc Tip 6 - Choose the optimum cleaning...

202 views 2023.04.12.

Use a cleaning method that is optimized according to the nature of your heat exchanger's duty....


Compabloc Tip 7 - Change gaskets after opening

186 views 2023.04.12.

Change the panel gaskets every time you open the panels. Alfa Laval recommends that you keep a...


Compabloc Tip 8 - Grease the bolts

135 views 2023.04.12.

Always grease the bolts of the heat exchanger after performing maintenance so that the unit is...


Compabloc Tip 10 - Regular check-ups

136 views 2023.04.12.

Take advantage of any planned shutdown period to check the actual state of your Compabloc. This...

Gasketed plate heat exchangers

How to save energy with Alfa Laval

376 views 2022.11.23.

In these episodes, you will see quick and proven solutions that help your business to save energy...

Gasketed plate heat exchangers

Fast track: Delivered in days, delivers for...

526 views 2022.09.01.

Fast track is the first standardized line of plate heat exchangers to guarantee fast,...


Increased reliability and reduced pressure drop...

684 views 2022.04.26.

This animation demonstrates the working principle of the HyperCut feature in Alfa Laval Packinox...


Alfa Laval Packinox Explosion forming

797 views 2022.04.26.

This animation shows explosion forming of high-strength plates with long, reliable lifetime for...


Invitation to the Packinox+ launch webinar

2,077 views 2022.08.29.

Join our free webinar to learn about the launch of our new Packinox heat exchanger. September 22...


Alfa Laval Packinox+ webinar invitation

14,971 views 2022.08.29.

Don't miss our free webinar where you'll hear about the launch of our new Packinox heat...