Tagged with energy efficiency


Maximize efficiency in your refinery_webinar...

147 views 2020.11.11.

Recording of webinar held on November 10, 2020.


Optimizing carbon capture with Alfa Laval

148 views 2024.06.05.

As both an energy and CAPEX intensive process, it is often difficult to make Carbon Capture and...


Improving energy efficiency in your CCS plant

415 views 2024.06.04.

With decades of experience in Carbon Capture and Storage heat transfer technology and a global...


Pioneering carbon capture with Alfa Laval

358 views 2024.06.02.

Carbon capture is essential if we want to reach net zero by 2050. Especially in the hard to abate...


Wivika Laike presents at ERTC in Milan, Italy,...

84 views 2024.04.17.

Our Refinery Application Manager Wivika Laike presents at ERTC; How to maximize energy efficiency...


Alfa Laval Net zero launch event #5

314 views 2024.01.05.

If you missed out on the live broadcast of Alfa Laval’s Net zero launch event #5 in November...


Join Alfa Laval's Net zero launch event #5!

270 views 2023.10.10.

Alfa Laval is back to introduce new innovations and insights within energy efficiency, clean...


Alfa Laval Net-zero launch event #4

868 views 2023.07.06.

If you missed out on the live broadcast of Alfa Laval’s Net-zero launch event #4 in June 2023,...


Alfa Laval – No. 1 in Spirals!

121 views 2023.06.28.

Alfa Laval was the first company to bring spiral technology into the world of heat transfer 62...


Introducing the Alfa Laval AC900

202 views 2023.06.28.

This is the next-generation, single-circuit brazed plate heat exchanger specially designed for...


Extreme heat recovery with the Alfa Laval GHR

176 views 2023.06.28.

Approximately, 22% of heat from exhaust gases from engines and gas turbines are getting wasted if...


Alfa Laval Net-zero launch event #4

273 views 2023.04.28.

Alfa Laval is back to introduce new innovations and insights within energy efficiency, clean...