Tagged with Energy


Maximize efficiency in your refinery_webinar...

128 views 2020.11.11.

Recording of webinar held on November 10, 2020.


Improving energy efficiency in your CCS plant

399 views 2024.06.04.

With decades of experience in Carbon Capture and Storage heat transfer technology and a global...


A 360° view on activating a hydrogen ecosystem

799 views 2023.05.16.

How to find new ways of accelerating decarbonization through activation of a full-scale hydrogen...

Global Service technology - ENS

AQUA Blue E1 - Process & Utility plate...

185 views 2023.02.01.

This video explains, how to perform regasketing of the AQUA Blue E1 process and utility plate. Be...

Global Service technology - ENS

Alfie 500 - Motorized Valve maintenance

228 views 2023.01.06.

This video explains how to make a overhaul of the motorized valve that is installed on the Alfie...

Global Service technology - ENS

AQUA Blue E1 - Plate assembly

156 views 2023.01.06.

This video explains how to perform a plate assembly on the AQUA Blue E1 freshwater generator. Be...

Global Service technology - ENS

AQUA Blue E1 - Start plate regasketing

135 views 2023.01.04.

This video explains, how to perform regasketing of the AQUA Blue E1 start plate. Be aware that...

Global Service technology - ENS

CPMOF Valve - Maintenance

131 views 2023.01.04.

This video explains how to perform service on the Alfa Laval CPMOF Valve. Be aware that this...

Gasketed plate heat exchangers

How to save energy with Alfa Laval

376 views 2022.11.23.

In these episodes, you will see quick and proven solutions that help your business to save energy...


Join the Alfa Laval Net-zero launch event -...

212,899 views 2022.08.24.

We have gathered an incredible line-up of speakers to present our new solutions to some of the...


Join the Alfa Laval Net-zero launch event -...

360,619 views 2022.06.20.

After an incredibly successful first run in February 2022, Alfa Laval is back with new insight on...